e-giorgi - Blog

Notes and thoughts.

Moscow and St. Petersburg: the past and the present.

I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change.

Wind of change: perfect words to describe Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Two cities very similar and at the same time so different from one another.

Which one did I like the most? Difficult to say, precisely because of their diversity.

During the journey, I would have answered Moscow, without any doubt. Today, almost two weeks after returning, I realize that I miss St. Petersburg very much.

Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg

And it is from St. Petersburg, once Leningrad, that the journey begins: a very "European" city welcomes me, completely different from what I expected.

The road from the airport to the center, shows a succession of modern buildings very similar to each other and very basic, wide streets and very (very very) busy, almost a bit "cold", let me say.

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photography, travel, arts, street photography, russia, st. petersburg, moscow

New York: big lights will inspire you.

In New York,
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

Alicia Keys said in "Empire State of Mind". And this is New York.

Lights, sounds, colors, people, skylines: everything can inspire you in the Big Apple.

To visit New York was my dream, since when I was young: in 2013 this dream came true and the wonderful thing is that everything seemed even more beautiful than I imagined it.

There was not a single corner of the city that disappointed me. It was 15 days of pure passion.


We (my cousin and myself) rented an apartment in Manhattan, using Airbnb: Spring Street, between Hudson River and Broadway Av.

An average of 13-14 kilometers per day to visit every corner, museum, park of the Big Apple.

Subway ticket and City Sightseeing ticket to visit all the city.

Guggenheim, American Museum of Natural History (yes, the location of the movie "Night at the Museum"), Empire State Building, Top of The Rock, Central Park, Fifth Avenue, , Gospel service in Harlem, baseball match at Yankee Stadium (Bronx), Hudson River cruise, walk on Brooklyn Bridge (do it at sunset: perfect scenario for you pictures!).

By the end we saw, did and visited more and more and more...


photography, new york, street photography


Don't ask me why I love macro, because I don't have an anwser! It is very strange!

Could be the peace and relax that I feel in some places, mountains, countrysides, but this type of photography allows me to express myself at best, or at least that's how I feel.


Fortunately, I live on mountains and this allows me to find ideas everywhere: in my garden, walking on the riverside, in the small countries.

One of my "inspiration place" is Botanical Gardern in Trana, near Turin, in Piedmont.

Here you can find thousand and thousand of differents plants and flowers: iris, roses, tulips, exotic plants, carnivore, bergamots, chinotto and a small pond where, if you are lucky, you can also photograph small frogs.


photography, macro, nature, flowers

Debora amd Francesco's wedding

Settimo Torinese - Saturday, June 15th 2019.


Cugine dal Mondo and the first official wedding shooting! Funny moments with our best friends... but extremely tiring experience as a photographers!

That's because the photo shoot of a wedding is really very demanding: you need to decide quickly, pay attention to everything that happens, evaluate the parameters ... and everything in a few seconds!

And after the party, the post-production activities: modify and arrange thousands of shots to compose the photo album of one of the most important days in a couple's life.

The best way is to make an "inspection" the day before: to visit the wedding location and the restaurant, to start to think about the pictures, to evaluate the light: where is the better place to take the pictures?

Here, we did not do it for reasons of time and so we added a level of difficulty to our work.